Jennifer Peterson
Talent optimization consultant
Jenn decided in 6th grade that she wanted to be an Interior Designer and that passion progressed to her spending 25 years in the Commercial Interiors industry in design, customer success, sales and most recently as a solutions consultant. When meeting with clients, business goals and culture were two of the most frequently discussed topics as it related to their projects. Jenn and her team crafted spaces to support the goals and the culture the companies were looking to attain, but the success of those spaces depended on the individuals using those environments. The design work done was rewarding, very impactful AND it was constrained by a bigger bucket that affected company culture – the people.
When presented with a challenge to shift industries and tackle the people component – Jenn said “YES!” The idea of helping organizations with hiring top talent, aligning strategy and building dream teams (so they could actually enjoy those beautifully designed, functional spaces) – was an area that Jenn felt she could assist her clients more. She is a believer in the Predictive Index Assessment and how it can promote the best environment with the right people, in the right seat, helping organizations achieve the business results they want.
Connect & Learn More about Jenn:
- Schedule time to meet with Jenn
- Jenn's Predictive Index Profile and Placard
- Connect with Jen on LinkedIn