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Working Together Requires Relationships

Come Discover Who We Are


Tammy and Scott

Tammy and Scott are our Co-founders and Co-CEO’s. And yes, that’s a unique organizational structure. You see, Tammy and Scott met more than 18 years ago when Scott hired Tammy to facilitate a Lunch ‘n Learn. That 90-minute session set the stage for a partnership rooted in trust, truth-telling, respect, and life-long learning. And if you’ve never seen co-leadership work – you should see these two in action!

Tammy and Scott Alaska April 2022



The BecomeMore Group.

We’ve been in business almost 30 years. And over all of those years, 95% of our first-time customers have hired us for a second initiative. We’re really proud of that statistic. It tells us that we’re doing good work and that we’ve created value for our clients.

AND, to make sure we weren’t jumping to conclusions we asked them; “You could work with any number of consulting firms, why do you continue to choose BecomeMore Group?”


The trends and themes we found in their answers were humbling.  

  • You always make it about us.

  • We’ve watched YOU grow over the years, and it inspires US to grow.

  • You’re not a one-size-fits-all organization. You listen, dig into the data, and work with us to design unique solutions that works for us.

  • You say it like it is. Good, bad, or ugly. You tell us the truth.

  • No one asks tough questions like you guys.

  • What we’ve done together – it hasn’t been easy – it has however been worth it!

  • People and Process. Process and People. You take care of both sides of the equation.

  • At BecomeMore YOU talk about wasted excellence. WE just see a better bottom line.  

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