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Strategy isn't Planning

road in mountains

chess set  focusing on black pieces with white ones at the bottom (blurred)



Strategic Planning – somehow these two words have become interconnected.  And too often organizations end up focusing on “planning” and think they are being strategic.  Marketing wants to expand the brand.  Human Resources wants to develop a robust on-boarding program.  IT thinks we need to concentrate on cyber-security.  And so, the leadership team dutifully shifts through all these very reasonable requests and decides how to allocate the organization’s resources.   

That’s planning.  It’s comfortable.  It allows smart and capable people to make safe and reasonable decisions to minimize risk and controls costs.  And it perpetuates the status quo. 

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the difference between strategy and planning
  • Recognize why planning isn’t enough
  • Discover how your organization can be more strategic   

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