Learning is King
And application is queen. Our events, webinars and workshops are different...interactive, we challenge the status quo and NO death by PowerPoint.
Experience something different than the traditional "training" experience.
Leadership Coaching
The DMAIC Way Black Belt
OCT 1/2 NOV 4/5
Predictive Index Learning Series
Sept 23/30
Elevate Your Leadership
OCT 8/9
Extreme Facilitation - FULL
OCT 21-25
Leadership, Learning & Libations
OCT 22
Change Management - FULL
SEP 11/12/13
The DMAIC Way Green Belt-FULL
SEP 12/13 OCT 3/4
Project Management Leadership - FULL
SEP 19/20
Change Management
NOV 5/6/7
The DMAIC Way Green Belt
NOV 13/14 DEC 10/11
Leadership, Learning & Libations
DEC 17
Extreme Facilitation
DEC 2-6
Elevate Your Leadership
DEC 10/11
The DMAIC Way Yellow Belt
Private Workshop by Request
Extreme Virtual Facilitation
JUL 30-AUG 1 (Concluded)
Elevate Your Leadership
AUG 20/21 (Concluded)
Predictive Index Learning Series
Leadership, Learning & Libations
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